Monday, December 22, 2008


Just a few days ago a life was lost to a very loved teacher, Ms.Hansen. She was in an accident while riding her motorcycle. She collided with a car at the intersection of Cesar Chavez and Potrero. She died shortly after the emergency crews arrived. Today a memorial was held where many students and alumni came to give their respect and give their condolences. Candles were lit, flowers put on the table, and people wrote on posters for Ms.Hansen outside her classroom.

Ms.Hansen was a very bright teacher who was very involved with the school. She always brought smiles to everyone around her. I remember that she was my very first teacher at Burton. She was my homeroom teacher freshmen year. Adrina Arenas remembers Ms.Hansen walking into the room with a ruler that had a picture of Angelina Jolie attached to it, "Look it's Angelina Jolie!" she said. The whole class began to laugh. Along with many others im sure we can all remember the great times that we've had with her. It still is a shock that she is gone but she's made her mark in the world and as much as we wish that she was still here, she is in a much better place.
Its so scary how you can see someone and just a little while later, they are gone forever. We will meet again someday, but this tells us to cherish life and to respect the time that we have.
Rest in Peace Ms.Hansen we all miss you so much already
Now we'll just wait for the day for us to meet again and make jokes about anything and everything. Thanks for all the good times that people have in their memories that will never be forgotten! !


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

They'll Never Understand

Everyone in the world has problems and we have all to deal with them everyday. But what can we do but to try and stay strong, keep our heads up, and believe that we can make it to tomorrow. I have problems of my own and i have it happens almost every day where i will get angry or sad because of someone, but it doesnt bother me because i know how to overcome my problems and sometimes ignore them because its not worth my time or the trouble. It really doesnt help when others spread their anger/depression because it really kills the mood and i hate being around people who let others see their bad emotions especially when you try to help and get no response. I know that people have problems worse than me so i dont want to complain too much.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

This I Believe- Not complete

Write a personal essay to the prompt: "This I Believe." You wrote an essay about what you deeply believe in, how this belief came to you, how it shapes/d you, how it has challenged you. Use stories and anecdotes to illustrate this belief.

This I Believe

I believe that everyone can learn from their mistakes because they happen all the time. You didnt do your homework so you ended up not doing so well on last week's test or you might say a joke that amuses you but sounded twisted to everyone else. Learning from your mistakes helps you grow and it can show you what kind of perosn you are. My best friend jokes around a lot and sometimesas funny as it is to him, im there next to him thinking, "Wow, i cant believe you just said that". Everyone one is the same but also different in so many ways. We all have different understandings. People look back at their mistakes and always get into deep thoughts of how their mistakes make them feel and the effect that it has on others.

This I Believe

I believe that people shouldnt judge anyone before they get to know who people really are. Every day you look at a stranger and you might think of them as pretty, foolish, mature, or someone thats a bad infulence. People are unique in their own way, but judging them from the first glance doesnt show you how sweet, fun, classy, arrogant, or mature someone can be. When i was in middle school i always use to look at people i didnt know and i would say whatever came to mind at that moment. If it was a cute boy or a girl wearing a hiddeous outfit i would say my thoughts out loud not caring about how it would make them feel. I would say these things with my friends and now that i look back it was stupid and childish and being a young teenager is no exscuse. Now that im older and have more knowledge i dont let myself or others around me talk about anyone even if it may be a joke. Judging someone isnt right because its not fair to talk about someone when you dont even know them. I believe that everyone is judgemental about people at a young age and as you start to grow up you learn and realize what its like to be judge and how it is when you jugde other people. You get the chance to expericence stereotypes and it gives you a look at reality.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Words Can Hurt

Many people say actions speak louder than words but words can hurt more than the actions done. Just a single word can hurt the feelings of a person and it can be on their mind for hours and little things that they see on the street or hear on the radio can remind them. Why do people sometimes say things that they dont mean? When people are angry or sad the truth really comes out and they speak whatever comes to mind and sometimes those things were'nt meant to be said. Even when you are making a joke it may sound funny, but not to the person(s) that they are speaking to. My best friend and i talk all the time and it has happened a lot where we said things that we thought of as a joke but the other person would think, "Wow! Did you really just say that? It doesnt matter if you were playing around". Whether if its a single word or a whole speech the harsh words that you may speak can really damage someone because people can get it so twisted and you feel like you've just made a mistake.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Pisses You Off?

[x]When my brother doesn't listen
-W/ an attitude
-Two faced
-Who think too highly of themselves
-Who are rude
-Who showoff
-Who are Greedy
-Who are egotistical
[x]Unnesessary Drama
[x]Getting yelled at
[x]When someone is not listening
[x]When anger is taken out on me by others

I havent been on the right track with my school work lately. I havent really had an inspiration to help me get through the beginning of this school year. I really want to do good this year and complete my work. An activity that we did in class today was a quickwrite: What Pisses You Off. I listed above some things that come to mind when i think of what makes me mad. This is not a topic that ever came to mind and i thought about it for the rest of the day.
So many things can make a person mad. I am the type of person who doesnt hold a grudge so i get over things pretty fast. Things that help me calm down are listen to music, eat, or talk to someone, but i mostly like to be left alone. When other people are mad i try to be understanding and help them if they want it.
People can make me mad sometimes very easily and i try to control it but if im really frustrated you can tell by the tone of my voice. People that are disrespectful and dont care that they are really pisses me off because i think that it also shows that they dont have repsect for themsevles. People that are fake really piss me off because people should be themselves and be proud of who that person is. Being fake is irritating because sometimes its very cocky and it makes the person seem immature. When people are rude sometimes it'll cause other people to be rude after a while and that brings negative energy around.
Violence and racism piss me off because there is no point into it. Nothing is going to change the fact that people come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. Violence doesnt just hurt people but it also hurts all thr communities and families around it. Violence makes people scared and what why live life in fear? Every day people have to struggle to live and the violence makes everything harder. Its not right and i wish that all violence and racism will come to and end one day.
Racism is hurtful to so many people and no one deserves to be discriminated against. Raciscm also causes violence because it makes people angry. It can start off with hurtful words and lead to things being physical.
[to be continued]

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Expanding Web 2.0

Web 2.0 also know as the applications of Facebook, Youtube, and blogging has changed the life of people all over the world. Web 2.0 has changed my life in so many ways. I am apart of the generation that has been growing with this system, so I am up to date with most of the new technology and advances that come with Web 2.0. It is easier to do things such as reaserch and projects with the help from internet and information that you can see in videos on youtube or ask a friend on Facebook. Web 2.0 will continue to change because it is still growing and becoming more advance than it is now. So much technology is used for this application and its known world wide. Web 2.0 has already had an effect on the media because instead of watching it at home on t.v or listening to the radio you can watch or listen live from your own computer. It seems that media is an easier and somewhat faster way for the media to get news and information around.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Congratulations to our Barack Obama, the 44th president won both electoral and popular votes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Halloween is Friday! I cant wait to see what people are going to be dressed up as. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love to see little kids running away from houses after being scared. The smiles on their faces are so cool !

Friday, October 3, 2008


Out of all of the candidates who are running for student body and class officers at Burton High School, which candidate(s) do you think can make a difference at our school? Explain why. You may talk about one particular candidate, compare two or more, or give an overall opinion on the common traits exhibited or themes that were raised.

The candidates that are running for student body and class officers that I think can make a difference in our school are Minh, Dominique, and Sam. I believe that their ideas will help us as a school and I know that they will put in the effort. Minh is responsible and knowledgeable and I know that he will make a great leader. Both Dominique and Sam have great minds and they will work to the best of their ability.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Saturation: The Field

A nice day with light winds. Students all around the field, bleaches, and walking on the track. The tone on the field is calm. People are talking, laughing, eating, and playing. Ipods and phones are seen everywhere in students hands. The boys yelling and laughing while playing soccer and football. There were workers on the side working on the new handicap ramp.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Three Oakland school janitors accused of stealing electronic equipment

Crime; a grave offense especially against morality. At a school in Oakland at the Webster Academy janitors were accused of stealing the school's property after one of the janitors appeared drunk on campus whom also was on probation. The police had then investigated his house after admitting to having some school property at his home. The police found numerous electronics that belonged to the school such as t.v's and dvd players. This show's one of the many ways that crimes are growing because it's not just in the streets. Crime can happen anywhere, anytime, and by anyone. People are having new ways to promote crime that's being added to the society so what can we do to help ?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Aug 12, 2008 2:30pm SF Excelsior Residents Demand End To Violence

In this news report about the Excelsior District in which i live in myself i am fearful now for my family and my neighbors. This is the first time that the violence in the excelsior community has been recognized by the media and now the police is working with our community to make it a harmless and comfortable environment again. Growing up i didnt have to worry about my safety, but today it seems we have to watch out because anything can happen. "I think that there's a lot more violence lately. I feel that they aren't doing much about it" said Adrina Arenas a student from burton and also a resident in the Excelsior, "It doesn't seem like police are doing there job!". Many police cars are seen everyday driving around, but i ask what does that do?


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hello Jena,

Welcome to your bolg account. This is used only for journalism blogging experiences and assignments. Further information will be notified by Mr. Chow.