Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Guest Speaker

Today in our journalism class we had a guest speaker. He is a free-lance journalist and a friend of Mr.chow
He explained to us and gave us more tips to help us as journalists. He also had us role play. Each of us had a partner while one was the interviewer and the interviewee. We were in situations where we interviewed a new CEO, a defeater Senator, a mother whose son was shot, and a police officer that was accused of taking bribes.
Our guest taught us what we should do if things happen such as the interviewee doesnt want to answer our questions or if they say they dont have time.
In my group I was the interviewer and I was interviewing the defeated senator. We made it the senator who was accused of placing bids on Obama's seat.
I started out with introducing myself. "I am Jena Bantilan and I am a journalist from the Bay Guardian." Then I asked what he would be doing now since he didnt win the position as senator. He told me of funding projects that he is doing.


M:So what are these projects for?
I:Schools education, hospitals, etc
M:And what have they done with the money?
I:For supplies

My next questions would be leading to my aim which was if the senator was really placing bids. So our guest speaker helped me to understand that the interviewee should be comfortable and dont always start off with the hard questions or questions that they may make them feel offended.
I thought that the role plays were a good exercise and we had fun

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