Thursday, December 11, 2008

This I Believe- Not complete

Write a personal essay to the prompt: "This I Believe." You wrote an essay about what you deeply believe in, how this belief came to you, how it shapes/d you, how it has challenged you. Use stories and anecdotes to illustrate this belief.

This I Believe

I believe that everyone can learn from their mistakes because they happen all the time. You didnt do your homework so you ended up not doing so well on last week's test or you might say a joke that amuses you but sounded twisted to everyone else. Learning from your mistakes helps you grow and it can show you what kind of perosn you are. My best friend jokes around a lot and sometimesas funny as it is to him, im there next to him thinking, "Wow, i cant believe you just said that". Everyone one is the same but also different in so many ways. We all have different understandings. People look back at their mistakes and always get into deep thoughts of how their mistakes make them feel and the effect that it has on others.

This I Believe

I believe that people shouldnt judge anyone before they get to know who people really are. Every day you look at a stranger and you might think of them as pretty, foolish, mature, or someone thats a bad infulence. People are unique in their own way, but judging them from the first glance doesnt show you how sweet, fun, classy, arrogant, or mature someone can be. When i was in middle school i always use to look at people i didnt know and i would say whatever came to mind at that moment. If it was a cute boy or a girl wearing a hiddeous outfit i would say my thoughts out loud not caring about how it would make them feel. I would say these things with my friends and now that i look back it was stupid and childish and being a young teenager is no exscuse. Now that im older and have more knowledge i dont let myself or others around me talk about anyone even if it may be a joke. Judging someone isnt right because its not fair to talk about someone when you dont even know them. I believe that everyone is judgemental about people at a young age and as you start to grow up you learn and realize what its like to be judge and how it is when you jugde other people. You get the chance to expericence stereotypes and it gives you a look at reality.

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